Entrepreneur Callings

Inspiration for this post is from "The Quiet Radicalism of Starting a 'Lifestyle Business'" article, https://www.inc.com/jessica-stillman/why-you-should-wear-phrase-lifestyle-business-as-a-badge-of-honor.html.

You could say I have always wanted to be an entrepreneur, even before I knew exactly what that word was. It started when my younger sister and I made plans to have an animal shelter when we became "grown-ups," which in our minds was the exact moment we turned eighteen. Our eyes were full of stars as we dreamed about what freedoms and possibilities being a grown-up would bring. The two of us would be busy for hours designing colourful floor plans for the location and planning which types of animals we would keep where. The tiny kittens would be across from the older cats so they wouldn't feel lonely. The birds would be across the shop from the cats and beside the dogs to feel safe and protected. The fish would be near the checkout counter, so everyone would have a chance to look at them because their tanks would be super cool to look at. We had it all exactly planned out. What a thrill it was to think in only a handful more years, we would be adults and would be allowed to open our very own shop! We were over the moon with excitement! I am reminded of this same enthusiasm with my niece and nephew as we sit in the summer heat by the side of the road, waiting for customers to visit their lemonade stand. It brings me back and makes me smile. I think that's one goal in life- to find something that lights up your inner child and pursue it. I am glad the idea of entrepreneurship seems to do that for me still. 


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